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Referenzprojekte mit HAVER Architekturgewebe

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In unserer umfangreichen und gut sortierten Referenz-Übersicht finden Sie viele erfolgreich abgeschlossene Projekte mit HAVER Architekturgewebe. Überzeugen Sie sich von der Anwendungsvielfalt und Qualität unseres Drahtgewebes und lassen Sie sich von den bereits ausgeführten Projekten den hohen Anspruch unserer Arbeit vermitteln.

H20: Liquid Zone

H20: Liquid Zone

An arts concept, on which rain water is trickling down wire mesh.

The arts concept creates a series of steel rainwater collection channels and vertical surfaces that highlights the movement and expression of rainwater. The art piece works at two levels. The sculpture is made up of a series of undulating steel plates that vary in their undulating pattern. These overlap each other, and overlay like leaves on a tree to create a series of interweaving channels. The collection happens both within open U-channel and on the surfaces of the architectural mesh, and will permit water to percolate its way downward.

The length of each of three sculptural elements is 10 meters and 5 meter high, with the overall length of the concrete podium at 25 meters. The total length of channels is on the order of 500 meters. The longest channel per sculpture is about 11 meters long.

There are approximately 825 perforations in the channels, located at 75 mm on-center, and two panels per sculpture of architectural stainless steel wire cloth that vary in weave and open area, which have been supplied by our US location W.S. Tyler. At the scale of the site, the sculptures are located at the edge of this heavily-traveled path, at the front entry of Engleman Hall at Southern Connecticut State University.

The art piece will collect rainwater and retain the water for a short while after rainstorms. The water will be allowed to slowly trickle down and offer students, administrators, professors, and visitors the calming sound of water trickling from one to another stainless channel and mesh surface.


Hamden, Connecticut, United States of America


free figuration


object design, gardens / parks




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