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Referenzprojekte mit HAVER Architekturgewebe

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In unserer umfangreichen und gut sortierten Referenz-Übersicht finden Sie viele erfolgreich abgeschlossene Projekte mit HAVER Architekturgewebe. Überzeugen Sie sich von der Anwendungsvielfalt und Qualität unseres Drahtgewebes und lassen Sie sich von den bereits ausgeführten Projekten den hohen Anspruch unserer Arbeit vermitteln.

Odysseum - Science Adventure

Odysseum - Science Adventure

Experience „knowledge“ inside exceptional architecture “The exterior black faced brickwork facade was upgraded with a uniform metal mesh facade, which places itself over the building like a glimmering dress. The semi-transparent metal mesh allows the building, despite its different functional areas, to appear as one consistent geometry. Only the façade of the foyer to the forecourt of the Odysseum has been designed as a vitreous entrance gate.“ Dipl.-Ing. Architect Kaspar Kraemer

The Science Adventure Odysseum in Cologne is a place where people of all ages can go to learn interactively; where scientific knowledge is wrapped inside a shell of black brickwork behind a semi-transparent façade of wire mesh from HAVER & BOECKER in Oelde, Germany.

The architecture of the building was designed to support the communication of its scientific contents.  In fact the builder and owner, the SK Foundation CSC – Cologne Science Center, designed the interior exhibition first before looking for concepts for the building in an architectural competition.  It was in this competition that the concept Kasper Kraemer Architects BDA stood out against several renowned competitors.  The most convincing aspect of their design was the façade, which appeared light and transparent, a concept which met the philosophy of the Odysseum. 

The wire mesh facade
The key component of the façade is the architectural woven wire mesh DOGLA-TRIO 1032, manufactured by HAVER & BOECKER based in Oelde, Germany. This specific mesh is woven with 73% transparency and gives the façade homogenous character without significantly compromising the view from the inside through the windows.

The mesh elements were manufactured in 9.65m high by 2.65m wide panels.  Upon special request from the architect, the panels were attached with eyebolts instead of the commonly used clevis bolts. “HAVER & BOECKER has designed the eyebolt as an alternative to the traditional clevis bolt. As a result the connection of the tension profiles to the substructure is taking a visual back seat and becomes almost invisible”, says HAVER & BOECKER’s Project Manager.

The idea of Odysseum
The interior of the Odysseum continues this holistic approach. With over 7000 square meters of floor space, you will find the exhibit, restaurants and other venues all on one level making it easily accessible for everyone. The design allows for comparatively low operating energy consumption, and all standards of local energy savings regulations are exceeded.

After laying the foundation stone on March 20th, 2007, which was attended by the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Jürgen Rüttgers, the construction works by MBN Construction Ltd. proceeded efficiently and the installation of the wire mesh began in the summer of 2008.

The Odysseum officially opened after 15 months of construction on April 3, 2009.  Cologne is now enriched not only by the new science park, but is significantly shaped by an architectural project with regional appeal.

“Form follows function,” a term often been used, but seldom has it been realized so accordingly as it has at the Science Adventure Park Odysseum. Here visitors enjoy 200 different experimental attractions in seven different theme worlds.  A modern mixture of science center, research center, and a scientific amusement park all come together in one 5500 square meter facility.


Cologne, Germany




cultural/ convention centers


DOGLA-TRIO 1032Projektblatt

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